"Our world’s caves are places of wonder, mystery and majestic beauty. Show caves around the world are embracing their role in protecting and preserving caves and providing a place for people to learn about these special, natural, cultural and historical resources.

Show caves also play another important nature tourism role of sustainable economic development, providing jobs, and helping the economy of their regions.”

How to become a member

1. Download and send your application.

Download and send a Membership Application Form (see below) to ISCA secretary (secretary@i-s-c-a.org) including a letter of recommendation by a full member.

2. Wait for approval by the ISCA Board of Directors.

The ISCA Secretary will contact you as soon as your application has been approved. This may take several months (until an ISCA Board of Directors meeting takes place).

3. Payment of annual due.

See bank details below in order to proceed with payment. Once it has been confirmed, you will receive your ISCA Membership Certificate.


NOTE: Any individual Full Member whose operation comprises more than one cave may have all of the caves listed under one membership.

How do I fill in my application form?


1) EUROPEAN MEMBERS AND OTHER COUNTRIES WITH MINIMAL OR NO FEES. Bank transfer to ISCA using the below information.

Receiving Bank / Beneficiary Details:

Receiving Bank: Raiffeisenverband Salzburg eGen    
Bank Address:
Schwarzstraße 13 - 15

Beneficiary Bank Account Name: ISCA
IBAN / Account #: AT36 3500 0000 4212 9189
Beneficiary Address:
Largo Leone XII
60040 Genga
Ancona, Italy

2) MEMBERS OUTISDE EUROPE WITH HIGH BANK TRANSFER FEES. Go to www.paypal.com, log in or sign up if you don’t already have an account.  Pay to ISCA’s PayPal account: isca@eisriesenwelt.at  PayPal fees are very low.


ISCA MEMBERSHIP CERTIFICATES: You should receive your ISCA Membership Certificate shortly after your first payment. Please, if you do not receive it within 48 hours, contact us and we will solve it as soon as possible (secretary@i-s-c-a.org).

UPDATE FOR ISCA MEMBERS: You do not need to send a Renewal Form every year unless you need to update any details regarding your membership.

National or Multinational Associations of Show Caves
National or Multinational Associations of Show Caves