"Our world’s caves are places of wonder, mystery and majestic beauty. Show caves around the world are embracing their role in protecting and preserving caves and providing a place for people to learn about these special, natural, cultural and historical resources.

Show caves also play another important nature tourism role of sustainable economic development, providing jobs, and helping the economy of their regions.”

6th ISCA Congress - Fabbricatore - Associazione Grotte Turistice Italiane (A.G.T.I.)

Resource name:6th ISCA Congress - Fabbricatore - Associazione Grotte Turistice Italiane (A.G.T.I.)
Type of resource:Article
Author(s): Fabbricatore Alessio
Category: Miscellaneous
Page from:71
Page to:73
Publication:ISCA 6th Congress Proceedings
Published in:Slovakia
Year of publishing:2011
Number of pages:200
Editor:Pavel Bella, Peter Gazik
Publisher:SNC of Slovak Republic, Slovak Caves Administration

Abstract / Contents:

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